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What Causes A Toothache?

 teeth health smile dentistToothache is the most common found form of facial pain and is a sign that there may be health problems with the gums or teeth. Brushing and flossing daily doesn’t guarantee that you won’t suffer from toothache but it certainly helps!


Key takeaways:
  • Inflammation or swelling of the dental pulp is the underlying cause of most toothaches. Tooth decay is one common cause of this inflammation.
  • Cracked teeth, bruxism (tooth grinding), and gum infections are other possible causes of toothaches.
  • Conditions commonly confused with toothache are  headaches, ear infections, sinus infections, and tense facial and jaw muscles (often caused by tooth clenching and grinding).

The severity of a toothache can vary. It ranges from mild to severe. It can be constant or intermittent. It Han be localised to one spot or can feel like it is coming from half your head. It can have various triggers including cold, hot, sweet and chewing- or none of these.

To be able to help someone with a dental pain we must first reach an accurate diagnosis regarding the cause, as each different cause requires a different management strategy and a different treatment.

If you are suffering from a toothache you need to get your dentist. Anti-biotics will not help you- dental treatment of some kind will be required so your GP and local A&E can’t help.

At Balsall Common Dental Practice we provide an emergency dental service to help people with toothache. We try to see people the same day that they call and can consider reopening the practice at night or on a weekend if required. Often people travel to us from Birmingham, Solihull or Coventry for help with their emergency toothache

Read the full story about toothache here

Dr Ashley Davenport BDS MFGDP(UK)

I qualified as a dentist in 1995 and can honestly say that I have been doing a job that I love for the past 20 plus years. Most people who know me well know that dentistry is a passion for me and that if I won the lottery I would still want to have some dentistry in my life. I get huge satisfaction from treating patients and making a difference to ...

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Dr Catherine Myatt BDS MFGDP(UK)

Cath joined the practice as a dentist in 2002.  She and Ashley met on their postgraduate Vocational Training course in Birmingham when they ended up working at the same practice in West Bromwich.  When Ashley was looking for an associate at Balsall Common Dental Practice, Cath came to take the role and she has been here ever since.  In 2017 Cath...

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Last updated: February 17th, 2025

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