We’re still open, and continuing to provide you with routine and emergency dental care.
(Updated November 27th taking into account the new restrictions restrictions on November 27th)
Balsall Common Dental Practice remains fully open.
If you have an appointment, or you need any help at all, please rest assured that we’re here for you.
Whilst many nationwide restrictions are being eased, we are continuing to follow Department of Health guidance to keep you safe.
If you have a booked appointment, please follow government advice to attend it. If you need an appointment, please get in touch and we’ll do everything we can to help you.
Of course, the exceptions to this are:
- If you have Covid-19 symptoms (fever, new continuous cough, loss or alteration of taste or smell).
- If you or someone in your household has a positive PCR test in the last 10 days or is waiting for a PCR test result.
- If you have been instructed to isolate by NHS Test & Trace.
Patients that do visit for appointments can rest assured that your safety is our priority, and we’ve spent a considerable amount of time outlining every possible step we need to make to keep you safe when visiting us.
We’ve invested heavily in keeping our patients safe. In addition to all of our existing measures, we’ve recently invested in two new COVID-19 safety technologies:
New Air Purification Technology in all treatment rooms

This technology cycles the room air 10x per hour, removing 99.97% of particles including any virus particles. Room air quality is constantly monitored to confirm purification efficiency.
You can read more on the manufacturers website here.
3M Versaflo ‘Powered Respirators’

These supply our team members with their own personal filtered air supply which enables them to safely provide the full range of dental treatment.
Here’s what we’ve done, and what we’ll continue to do to ensure we are a COVID safe as possible:
- Contacting all patients before their appointment to remind them not to attend if they are feeling unwell with any coronavirus symptoms.
- Checking the body temperature of everyone as they enter the building using a no-touch forehead thermometer, as well as regularly checking the body temperatures of all staff.
- Increased appointment intervals to limit the number of people in the practice to help everyone to maintain social distancing.
- Created dedicated sessions for people most vulnerable to coronavirus, to help them feel confident and stay safe.
- Temporarily closed our waiting room – when you arrive for your appointment, we’ll ask you to remain in your vehicle until we’re ready to see you. Any forms you need to fill in can be done digitally before you leave for your appointment, or in your car after arriving.
- Disinfectant hand gel is provided for everyone entering the building and moving between rooms.
- Magazines, newspapers and toys have been removed from our waiting room.
- All surgeries are fully disinfected between appointments.
- All surgeries have Aeramax air filtration equipment which cycles the room air 10x per hour and removes 99.97% of airborne particles including virus particles.
- Each member of our team wears the recommended PPE, which is changed between appointments according to recommendations.
- Team members have their own personal filtered air supply with 3M Versaflo ‘Powered Respirators’.
- All frequently touched surfaces (like door handles and handrails) are cleaned and disinfected regularly throughout the day.
- Credit and debit card and contactless transactions are welcome and encouraged to save you handling cash or receiving change.
Each of these measures have been put in place to keep us all safe as possible, and to give you confidence that you can continue to have important treatment during this troubled time.
If there’s anything you’d like to talk through, or you’ve got any questions, we’re always here for you – email us at [email protected] or call us between 9am and 5.30pm on 01676 529000.
Dr Ashley Davenport BDS MFGDP(UK)
I qualified as a dentist in 1995 and can honestly say that I have been doing a job that I love for the past 20 plus years. Most people who know me well know that dentistry is a passion for me and that if I won the lottery I would still want to have some dentistry in my life. I get huge satisfaction from treating patients and making a difference to ...
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