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Advanced Restorations

Advanced Restorations

Protect weakened teeth and restore an attractive smile

Crowns and bridges have long been a cornerstone of restorative dentistry, and for good reason. Crowns are used to protect weakened teeth against the risk of breakage and crumbling. A proven choice, crowns are usually recommended when a tooth has suffered sufficient damage for 50% of the volume of the tooth to be missing.
We can offer a broad selection of types of cosmetic crown including highly-respected Lava, Empress and Procera brand names. Each can be used to restore a weakened tooth to its original structure and function. If we decide that crowns or bridges are the right option for you, we’ll explain the merits of each and help you decide which may be right for your individual needs.

Teeth Keep Breaking?

Crowns, inlays and onlays are one of the options we’ll consider to help resolve this common problem. They can give fresh life to teeth which currently neither look nor function as they should.

We can offer a broad selection of material choices including the well respected Lava, Empress, and Emax. We’ll be pleased to advise you.

Missing Teeth?

Missing teeth can be replaced with Dentures, Implants or Bridges.

A bridge uses the adjacent teeth to support a replacement tooth which is fixed in place and doesn’t need to be removed.

Look forward to successful outcomes like these…

  • An improved smile with no more worries about cracks and breaks
  • Freedom from discomfort
  • Better long-term dental health to keep you smiling!
  • Rejuvenated dental appearance

The following videos show the different types of Advanced Restorations:

Crown – This is a video explaining how a Crown is fitted; please turn up your volume to hear the audio

White onlay – This is a video explaining how a White Onlay is added; please turn up your volume to hear the audio

Bridge – This is a video explaining how a Bridge is fitted

Treatment provided by

Dr Ashley Davenport BDS MFGDP(UK)

I qualified as a dentist in 1995 and can honestly say that I have been doing a job that I love for t...

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Dr Catherine Myatt BDS MFGDP(UK)

Cath joined the practice as a dentist in 2002.  She and Ashley met on their postgraduate Vocational...

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Tel: 01676 529000

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Last updated: February 7th, 2025

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