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Vorwerk’s arrival in Balsall Common a winner for everyone

Vorwerk BC HQ official opening

Vorwerk UK’s leadership team opening their new Balsall Common HQ

Multinational firm Vorwerk recently moved into Balsall Common

We would like to offer our warm welcome to their team and offer our patients and online followers a special offer from them.

The family-run Vorwerk brand is a household name across swathes of Europe, including France, Italy and Germany to name a few.  Vorwerk operates in 70 countries worldwide thanks to generations of experience in manufacturing and selling cutting edge products.

Vorwerk UK’s leadership team have chosen Balsall Common from which to begin their UK operations selling their high quality engineered vacuum and related household cleaning products.

We met up with Eric McClenaghan and Charlie Freeland, members of Vorwerk UK’s leadership team, to find they share our passion for quality, for doing things the right way, whilst also embracing community life.

As soon as we had learned about their approach to business, seen their products in action and experienced their friendly no-pressure approach for ourselves, we were happy to partner with them in presenting some special offers and an easy-to-enter Facebook Prize Draw.


Host a Home Party Demonstration

Eric and Charlie have told us they are happy to give a FREE GD15 window cleaning kit to EVERYONE that hosts a demonstration at home in the month of August.

Our principal dental surgeon, Dr Ashley Davenport, confirmed:

“Cathy and I hosted a demonstration in our home in May.  It was informative, entertaining and fun, with absolutely no pressure to buy anything and we were left with a great impression of the Vorwerk philosophy in action.”

To stage a demonstration in your home and claim your FREE GD15, all you have to do is to send an SMS to 07979 913465, with the text DENTAL , to set it up.  To receive your FREE gift simply host your demonstration with a couple of guests no later than 31st August 2016.

Contact Charles Freeland

If you’re interested in learning more about hosting a home-demonstration, you are invited to contact Vorwerk UK’s effervescent Charlie Freeland. He’s an incredibly friendly and enthusiastic guy and an absolute pleasure to deal with:

Email: [email protected]
Mobile 07979 913465
Office: 01676 535732


Facebook Prize Draw

Enter our Vorwerk Prize Draw for your chance to win a handheld vacuum device:

Facebook Prize Draw


Find and follow Vorwerk UK online

Dr Ashley Davenport BDS MFGDP(UK)

I qualified as a dentist in 1995 and can honestly say that I have been doing a job that I love for the past 20 plus years. Most people who know me well know that dentistry is a passion for me and that if I won the lottery I would still want to have some dentistry in my life. I get huge satisfaction from treating patients and making a difference to ...

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Last updated: February 17th, 2025

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