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What to Do About White Spots On Your Teeth

It can be unnerving to wake up one day to discover that you have white spots on your teeth. The white spots interrupt the otherwise even hue of the teeth. The spots have a milky opaque color and could be a source of dental concern.

Causes of the White Spots

The presence of white spots right from childhood could be caused by a condition called fluorosis. Fluorosis results from excess mineralization of teeth caused by consuming an excess fluoride. In essence, the white spots caused by fluorosis are actually the strongest parts of your teeth due to excess fluoride.

Fluorosis can only occur whilst teeth are forming. Once the tooth has grown through it cannot be affected.

When white spots appear on permanent teeth — all of a sudden –it points to a totally different condition. These white spots are a sign of damage to the tooth, a problem referred to as decalcification.

The white spots caused by decalcification will be the first sign of cavity formation. The spots in this case are the weakest part of the tooth and can often be seen near the gum line. They will usually be sensitive when drinking sugary beverages.

When to see the dentist

At your regular visits, your dentist will be looking out for white spots, which will signal loss of tooth structure and strength.

However, if you experience pain or an increase in sensitivity, immediately consult your dentist for a checkup and treatment where necessary.

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Dr Ashley Davenport BDS MFGDP(UK)

I qualified as a dentist in 1995 and can honestly say that I have been doing a job that I love for the past 20 plus years. Most people who know me well know that dentistry is a passion for me and that if I won the lottery I would still want to have some dentistry in my life. I get huge satisfaction from treating patients and making a difference to ...

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Dr Catherine Myatt BDS MFGDP(UK)

Cath joined the practice as a dentist in 2002.  She and Ashley met on their postgraduate Vocational Training course in Birmingham when they ended up working at the same practice in West Bromwich.  When Ashley was looking for an associate at Balsall Common Dental Practice, Cath came to take the role and she has been here ever since.  In 2017 Cath...

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Last updated: February 17th, 2025

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