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A few reasons why your child’s teeth are worth looking after




Here at Balsall Common Dental Practice we firmly believe that prevention is better than cure. We encourage our patients to bring their children to the practice from an early age so they can benefit from a private standard of children’s dentistry.

Regular examinations from a young age will ensure children won’t suffer from untreated dental decay with devastating effects to their growing dentition. There are a number of preventive treatments that our team can provide for children:

  1. Fluoride applications are a safe and effective way to safeguard your growing child’s teeth from developing decay. The fluoride is painted onto the surface of the child’s teeth and this helps to mineralise the teeth.
  2. Fissure sealants are tooth coloured and applied to biting surfaces of children’s teeth to prevent decay.
  3. We employ DIAGNOdent laser scanners to detect early decay sooner than would otherwise be possible.
  4. Photo-Activated Disinfection (PAD) uses a medical grade laser to heal early decay without fillings.
  5. Studies have shown that the younger the age that you bring your child to the dental practice, even if just for an examination, the more likely they are to have a positive experience and grow up not to be afraid of the dentist.



Our team, Dr Ashley Davenport and Dr Catherine Myatt will take special care of your child to make them feel safe and looked after.
These are the benefits of starting a good oral health regime early on for your child:

  • Healthy teeth and gums for life.
  • Reduced risk of developing tooth decay and needing fillings.
  • No fears or phobias of the dentist


Our team members Dr. Ashley Davenport and Dr. Catherine Myatt have trained and qualified to deliver oral health care for children to a high standard here at Balsall Common Dental Practice.

There are many benefits to bringing your child for treatment here at Balsall Common Dental Practice such as:

  • We have a children’s dental plan that allows all the children we look after to benefit from the same private standards of dental care as our adult patients.
  • Children’s plan members receive free checkups, free orthodontic assessment, free small xrays and significantly discounted fees if any other treatment is required.
  • Membership of our children’s dental plan is just £5.97 per month.
  • Free children’s plan membership for under 4’s
  • Children may remain members of the children’s plan until they turn 18 or longer if they remain in education.
  • With planning we are able to arrange all appointments outside school hours.
  • We have no waiting lists and we are not affected by NHS rationing or cutbacks so your child will receive the best care with no excuses.
  • We can provide brace treatment if needed or we can refer if you prefer. We can even refer to NHS orthodontists if your child qualifies under NHS rationing.

Prevention is always better than cure so call 01676 529000 or use our online booking facility today to make an appointment for your child.


Download a voucher to receive the first 6 months children’s plan membership free (new members only).



Dr Ashley Davenport BDS MFGDP(UK)

I qualified as a dentist in 1995 and can honestly say that I have been doing a job that I love for the past 20 plus years. Most people who know me well know that dentistry is a passion for me and that if I won the lottery I would still want to have some dentistry in my life. I get huge satisfaction from treating patients and making a difference to ...

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Dr Catherine Myatt BDS MFGDP(UK)

Cath joined the practice as a dentist in 2002.  She and Ashley met on their postgraduate Vocational Training course in Birmingham when they ended up working at the same practice in West Bromwich.  When Ashley was looking for an associate at Balsall Common Dental Practice, Cath came to take the role and she has been here ever since.  In 2017 Cath...

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201 Station Road
Balsall Common
West Midlands
Tel: 01676 529000

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Last updated: February 7th, 2025

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